Parent support and advice

The links on this page can help you find information to support your child throughout their schooling.

If you need any further support, feel free to contact us.

Support and advice links

Student Services

Northern Adelaide Senior College understands that each student is different and requires support that suits their individual circumstances.

We offer an extensive range of support services for students to help them through their studies, including:

  • roaming teachers throughout the day to assist with subject and assignment help
  • friendly library staff to assist with developing research skills
  • case managers are available to provide specific support with out-of-school issues that are impacting school success
  • a midwife is available at our antenatal clinic for expectant mums and new babies
  • crèche facilities to support students with young families.

Our support services are available to all of our students. If you need extra assistance, contact Student Services on (08) 7285 1600 or email your case manager. Their details are available on our principal and staff profiles page.

Additional support for students

If you need extra support, these links may provide additional assistance. Alternatively, feel free to contact a case manager, wellbeing leader or other support staff.