Northern Adelaide Senior College celebrated the rich cultural diversity of our school yesterday for Harmony Day.
Students were treated to a lunch of middle eastern dishes of baklava, golgappe and persian cake prepared by the EALD class as well as halal snags prepared by Student Voice member Harley.
“Harmony Day means diversity where we get together and we accept people from different cultures, we accept their traditions, their practices, their food. We basically accept one another,” says Zehra Y.
“It’s very important because we are all one and we are all many,” says Cameron J.
Students participated in activities of creating a hand tree of Harmony Day messages and relaxing to easy-listening cultural set tape created by DJ Russo on the NASC rooftop.
NASC wishes happy Harmony Day to our community.
Northern Adelaide Senior College are accepting 2022/23 year 11-13 enrolments throughout the year.
To find out how NASC can help personalise your senior secondary education goals, principal tours are held every first Friday of the month. Bookings are essential. Call (08) 7285 1600 to book or find out more.