NASC AGFA eSports teams up with Twelve25 Youth Centre for PS4 FIFA23 Tournament
06 March 2023

Northern Adelaide Senior College’s (NASC) AGFA eSports team joined forces with Twelve25 Youth Centre and the Salisbury Institute to host their inaugural PS4 FIFA23 eSports event of the year at the Burton Community Hub.

The event, a testament to the growing popularity of eSports, showcased the talent and coordination of young gamers in the local community.

AGFA students played a pivotal role in organising the tournament, ensuring its smooth execution and creating an engaging atmosphere for all participants. The event brought together avid gamers and FIFA enthusiasts, fostering a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition.

“We are thrilled to see the dedication and enthusiasm of our AGFA students,” remarked Ben Ryder. “Their collaboration with Twelve25 Youth Centre highlights the power of gaming to bring communities together. We believe in nurturing not just academic talents but also the diverse skills and passions of our students, including their interests in gaming and eSports.”

The event concluded with enthusiastic applause for the winners, recognising their exceptional gaming skills and strategic prowess.

The success of the tournament served as a testament to the collaborative efforts of NASC’s AGFA ESports team, Twelve25 Youth Centre, and the Salisbury Institute. The participants and organisers alike expressed their excitement, promising more thrilling eSports events in the future.

Northern Adelaide Senior College are accepting 2023/24 year 11-13 enrolments throughout the year.

To find out how NASC can help personalise your senior secondary education goals, principal tours are held every first Friday of the month. Bookings are essential. Call (08) 7285 1600 to book or find out more.