Northern Adelaide Senior College says NO WAY to bullying and harassment at today’s annual recognition to uphold safe spaces and conduct for everyone who studies at NASC.
At recess, students and staff were invited to participate in activities on the HUB Rooftop featuring signing of the school pledge, messages of kindness and an orange-themed game.
“Bullying is never ok,” says Harley B., Student Voice member.
“Bullying can happen in person or online, but there is always someone that you can reach out to for help.”
NASC hopes that students who are victims of bullying feel safe and included on our campus so they can achieve their study goals.
Northern Adelaide Senior College are accepting 2022/23 year 11-13 enrolments throughout the year.
To find out how NASC can help personalise your senior secondary education goals, principal tours are held every first Friday of the month. Bookings are essential. Call (08) 7285 1600 to book or find out more.